Answering the Call

In the Fall of 2022, just a few months after having my son, God began leading us into a season of transition.  We had recently moved to Dundalk, Ontario, and started attending the Wesleyan church.  And it was there that God began to stir up the desire for me to plant a church and to walk into full-time ministry.  Previous to that I had served as a bi-vocational pastor for many years, but this call was different.  God was literally drawing me to a poster on a bulletin board in the foyer of our church, which was asking for those who would serve as church planters throughout Canada.  So after a few months of looking at this poster, I finally emailed the contact and followed up with a phone call.  To my surprise, the number was out of service.  I understood though, that God was speaking to me so clearly, so without hesitation, I googled the contact and made the call. I later found out that although the poster in the foyer of our church appeared to be brand new and still had the folded creases, it was actually 15 years outdated, but the contact person was still the same.  I believe that God preserved that poster, just for me.

Why the Lighthouse Church?

The name “The Lighthouse Church” was prayerfully selected to symbolize guidance and illumination.  The church will serve as a beacon of hope, wisdom, and spiritual direction within the community.   Much like a lighthouse guides ships safely through the darkness with its beacon of light, we, at the Lighthouse Church, will guide people to a safe place, so that they can follow Jesus and lead others to Him.

The Lighthouse Church will be planted in Waterloo, however; there is a unique opportunity with its sister city Kitchener.  Residents of the twin cities, along with local elected officials, refer to both cities as one – “Kitchener-Waterloo”, or more commonly known as “KW”.  So although the focused area will be within close proximity of the church, all services, programming, events and visibility of our team, will be throughout the Kitchener-Waterloo area.

Our Beliefs

We believe in one true and living God who exists in three persons: Father,  Son and Holy Spirit

We believe that Salvation is available to all people and that through obedience to the Father, Jesus, who had no sin, offered Himself by dying on the cross, so that in Him we might become right with God.

We believe in the Bible, and that both the Old and New Testaments, are the Word of God.  Free from all error and complete in their revelation, the Bible serves as the final authority for the Christian life.

We believe that the purpose of the Church is to worship God in spirit and in truth, and to reach a lost and fallen world with the gospel of Jesus Christ through its worship, witness, and loving deeds.

We believe that marriage is the union of one man and one woman, as ordained by God in the Bible

We desire to be leaders by serving.  We understand that the authority and effectiveness of spiritual leadership is earned as we serve God and others gladly

More Church Plants

Jesus instructs us to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19).  By expanding church planting efforts, there is a commitment to fulfilling this Biblical mandate by spreading the gospel and creating disciples who, in turn, can share the transformative message of Jesus Christ. 

One of the core values of the Lighthouse Church is to not only reach diverse communities, but to also reflect this with a multicultural congregation.  So by making disciples of all nations, we are encouraging believers to bring the gospel to people of all backgrounds and cultures.  The endeavor to establish church plants throughout Canada, therefore, becomes a tangible expression of carrying out the mission set forth in Scripture.

The Lighthouse Church, will be planted as a new congregation of the Central Canada District of the Wesleyan Church of Canada.